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A Tactical Position

The science behind great design

If you’ll humor me for a moment, I’d like to share some sentiments here that I think we all know, but maybe don’t think about incredibly often. These sentiments stem from an issue of some importance, especially when you’re operating a business. In the 21st century, humanity is faced with a dilemma that is both incredibly complex and mind numbingly ludicrous. This issue that I’d like to address is the illusion of choice.

We have hundreds of choices on everything nowadays. Whether its flavors of ice cream, hair products, service providers or creative agencies (trust me, we know) consumers have an insurmountable number of options available to them at any given moment. As a consumer, this is incredibly daunting – how the hell do I know whether I should go with this hair cream over the next? If you’re advocating for volume, you’re not really narrowing down my choices here. I am begging you, make this choice easier for me and alleviate the pain that comes with making a decision.

Enter the well positioned business. My hero.

The Well Positioned Business

As a well-positioned business, you ride in on your horse and understand my frustrations. You tell me how you’re the only hair product right for me, complete with the extra volume, sure – but you understand why I’d pick you over the others. You see the connection between my values as a young sophisticated male and my inability to decipher the vast number of ingredients of which I trust that you’re putting the right stuff onto my scalp. You have a brand that draws me in, with a simple message and an appeal to who I am as a person. The choice is no longer a point of frustration, it is a matter of pride. You have earned my $10 for this pomade, as I see myself in it and am inspired by the ways in which it will improve my life.

A Tactical Approach

Positioning stems from understanding your target demographic well, and creating a brand identity that resonates with that group. It is a matter of selectivity, understanding that while this pomade isn’t meant for everyone, there is a certain demographic (men ages 25-34) that are going to absolutely adore this product. When a business makes this specific appeal, they are choosing a position on solid tactics.

Crafting Your Tactical Position

If you haven’t done this already, it is never too late to start. Plenty of businesses start with the intention of providing a wide range of products or services, to be a provider of something that is both common and convenient under the guise of a small business. Gone are the days of trying to compete with this generalist mentality, however. For a business to truly thrive in this day and age, they must craft a position strategically.

Have you crafted your strategic positioning statement? We can help you with this, but ultimately it is an area where businesses must exercise some control over their own destiny – you must decide who you’re trying to appeal to, and why.

The Science Behind Creativity

Once you have a strategic positioning statement crafted, you have the first step complete in the branding process. After all, what is the purpose of this position if you’re not planting your feet with confidence in this new direction? This is where great design makes all the difference. When combined effectively, any design agency worth its salt seizes the opportunity with confidence. This is because a well positioned business understands its desires and exercises a level of control over the who, what and why for their offerings. The creative process flows from this, as it acts as a foundation for a great brand.

I’ll tell you what – since you made it this far, we’ll recommend somebody that can help you every step of the way. Click the button below – you’ll be glad you did.

written by
Cody Johnson

Founder / Creative Director

Despises labels, despite adding a bio section to the blog so he specifically could rewrite a bunch of labels and credentials for himself each time he writes a new article.

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