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Place Branding

Lessons Learned Downtown, Part 1

Do you believe in reincarnation?

Okay, maybe that’s a lot to unpack. After all, we’re not really in the business of knowing one’s religious beliefs. But we are in the business of transformation, and for many, that begins with a career change.

In a not-so-distant life, I was actively involved in the Downtown Fort Collins Business Association (DBA), followed by a brief period at the Downtown Development Authority. The half a decade spent in that setting gave me a foundational understanding of what drives people to make buying decisions, spend time out in public, and the complexities of organizations that exist to service a geographic region.

These lessons have become an important lens for our marketing agency – downtown marketing has become a part of our DNA. I serve on the board of directors now for the DBA, reincarnated from staff to stakeholder. In this series of articles, I’m going to share a number of insights learned from my years working downtown. These insights range in scope from the high-level perspectives of urban management to a more tactical approach to brick-and-mortar businesses. Let’s get into it.

Place Branding

For the first part in this series, I want to get into a term commonly used within the downtown community lexicon: place branding.

So, what is place branding?

Place branding is a marketing strategy aimed at creating visual cohesion around a geographic region or city. A very famous example of this is the ‘I love NYC’ logo, as it actively promotes a sense of unity and evokes emotion around the city itself. These types of branding and marketing campaigns emphasize the characteristics of that place in an effort to deliver a unique identity to the location itself. This proactive approach to creating a consistent attitude towards the region has the potential to evoke an emotional response in its community, encouraging consistent patronage at local businesses.

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats


Place branding follows the mantra of ‘a rising tide lifts all boats.’ The idea is that by building a sense of emotional resonance and community loyalty, you create an atmosphere of vibrancy that would increase traffic at all businesses within the district. If done effectively, there’s a strong synergy between a place branding strategy and the business community, as increased sales means increased tax accrual.

1. How the Place Branding Organizations Benefit


In many cases, business associations and development authorities are funded through a special improvement district. In simple terms, this is a tax on property owners within a designated area collected for the universal benefit of that location. If a place branding organization is successful in the branding of a place, it generates a feeling of exclusivity and significance to its district, meaning more people spend time there. More people means more sales which means higher property values which means more property taxes collected. Place branding becomes one of many tools to create the rising tide.

2. How the Businesses Benefit


Local businesses that tap into place branding efforts can expand their marketing strategy to include a lot of the good will created through these marketing campaigns. This has a lot of value for brick and mortar businesses in particular, creating a divergence between online sales through unique experiences you can only find in-person.

3. How Individuals Benefit


As a local, place branding can provide a sense of pride and community. Through a combination of exclusive events, unique sights to see and places to gather, a strong downtown is a catalyst for population growth. This advantage extends to improving demographic diversity as well, with young innovators and high earners interested in a great place to live.

The Foundations for Community Building

Place branding has become an important part of our marketing strategy services, with an understanding of symbiotic relationships between public and private entities. Our marketing agency is well positioned to assist in place branding efforts, leveraging the power of business associations to establish strong support for local businesses.

In my next article, I’ll discuss the significance of community building, and how that glue supports the growth of a city.

All photography captured by the author unless otherwise noted. Special thanks to the Downtown Fort Collins Business Association and Downtown Fort Collins Development Authority for the work of these organizations.

NYC Photo by @rubgomez via Twenty20

written by
Cody Johnson


Place brander, downtown marketer, and board member for the Downtown Fort Collins Business Association.

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